Redefining & reimagining the future of

We believe that every design should begin with a creative holistic vision.
Vision governs projects and is the driver for success.

When problem-solving or rethinking tired typologies, Dror starts by questioning everything. Once a direction is decided, we build the right team of collaborators to address the challenge, improve experiences and create value.

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Past Futures, Present Futures: 
Nomadic skies for sedentary communities 

In 1968, Buckminster Fuller proposed a forward-thinking vision for an energy saving solution that would protect part of Manhattan from the seasonal cold, rain and snow. Dror uses the aspect of the structure described in the quote below as a starting point to revisit the urban-dome idea:
“When such large domes are made, the captive atmosphere in itself is enough to support the structural shell, as in a large pneumatic tire.” -Buckminster Fuller

The opportunity to rethink the proposal gives Dror the chance to envision an improved system that would allow for the dome to respond to our contemporary needs and those that we may anticipate for the future.What if this mega dome was a nomadic structure that could be lifted from the ground and moved from one city to the next in response to meteorological conditions, protecting urban environments from atmospheric disturbances? The structure would depart from a location when the sky is clear and be sent to where it is needed according to weather forecasts. 

Inspired by Bucky’s fascination for the power of a small trimtab or rudder that controls the movement of a massive ship, Dror proposes to utilize the mass of the air underneath the dome to lift the transparent structure from the ground with the help of a trimtab-like rotor. The proportions and design of the dome would allow for its weight to maneuver with minimum effort. Thereby, the structure becomes an efficient shield against intense winters, flooding, and tornado. 

During hurricane season from June to November, the dome would be deployed in Florida, Louisiana and then migrate up the coast to land in New York for the cold and snowy months of December, January and February. In Dror’s vision, as humans did in the past and some animal species do today, the dome may migrate according to the seasons to address revolving needs at different time of the year.

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